Families: Host Our Students

We are always looking for loving families for our ever-growing student population. As a host family, you will benefit also:

  1. A great chance to experience a new culture;
  2. A chance to form a long and lasting friendship between your children and the Chinese student, and your family and the student’s family;
  3. A helping hand at home with your children’s Math and Science learning (since many of our students are very strong in these two subjects) and the opportunity to introduce Chinese language (Mandarin) in your children’s lives;
  4. Help to broaden your children’s world views and to introduce American values into the Chinese student’s life;
  5. Financial benefit with the tax-free monthly stipend payment.

Find more information in the official Host Family Brochure. Additionally, see the FAQ section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will these students go to the local public high school?
No, Immigration rules will not allow them to attend public schools. Their visa is an F-1 student visa. Therefore, these students can only go to private school in order to have four years of complete high school study here. Public schools only offer exchange programs offered to students on a one year student visa.

When will they arrive and when will they go back to their homes in China?
Students will typically arrive a week before school starts. Usually, this happens in early to mid-August. They will stay until the school year ends, which is usually sometime in May of the following year. During Christmas time, some students may choose to go home for the winter holidays and often parents will come to visit here in the United States, but they will not become additional guests in your home. In these cases, it is typical for their son/daughter to meet them in another city for a family vacation.

If we decide to participate as host families for additional years, would the same student(s) be staying with us?
It is totally up to the host family. Most host families choose to host the same student throughout their high school years. After a student fits comfortably into a host family, it may serve both the student and the host family to have a stable family environment. However, if a host family chooses to host a different student because of family issues, we would definitely understand and accommodate. Westar Education L.L.C. is built to support our host families’ wishes. We strive for complete satisfaction.

How high are the English skills of our hosted child?
Each student’s English skills may vary, but typically, before they come to study in the US, they need to take some sort of standardized English test (such as TOEFL, TOEFL Junior, ISEE, SLEP, etc.). They would need to qualify in order to be accepted into an US high school. These tests are required by their American school, so communication will not be a problem.

What do we do if the child becomes sick or hurt and needs professional medical attention?
Westar Education is responsible to purchase health insurance for each student. When the student moves into a host family, the host family will be given the student’s insurance card. When the student gets sick or hurt, if it is necessary, please take them to the Urgent Care or the Emergency Room. If you have a family doctor, you could also take the student there. Please remember that the insurance only covers emergencies and accidents. Routine checkups and exams are not covered. Students are responsible for any expenses incurred.

Do we supply the meals for the child?
Host families are responsible for providing breakfast and dinner during school days, and three meals during the weekends. Students will pay for their own lunch at school and for any dine-outs. If your family decides to eat out, the Chinese parents are fully prepared to have their son/daughter pay for their own order. However, we leave this up to each host family to determine the best method for eating out. Our goal is to make our student feel like a member of the family as much as possible.

Does the child need a private bedroom/bathroom or can they share with others?
It would be great if the student can have their own bedroom, but it is not required. They could share a bathroom with other students of their own gender.

How is transportation handled to and from school daily?
Transportation depends on their American school and the location of each host family. In some neighborhoods, the local public school will pick up students from your door, in others, you may need to drop student off at a pick-up and drop-off point. This process is unique for each placement, but Westar Education L.L.C. will work with host families to find a solution that is acceptable to them. Please call Ms. Emily Zheng (513)387-9839 for more details.

What will happen if the child refuses to follow our home rules?
Before a student moves into a host family, we suggest that the host family parents and the student sit down, go over, and clarify house rules. If the student refuses to follow house rules for no good reason, we will communicate with the student to help us determine the cause of the problem. Our students are good students. And, they come to America wanting to fit in and learn the American culture. Usually, when a problem such as this occurs it can best be solved without further intervention by calling your Westar Education L.L.C. contact. Remember, we are a team to help support you throughout the school year. This is not an issue you will need to address alone. If the student intentionally (and repeatedly) disobeys the rules, the host family has the right to ask Westar to remove the student from the family.

Will the child attend church services with us on Sundays?
We require every student to respect each host family’s religious beliefs. As a family, students are encouraged to attend church if the whole family is going on Sundays.

What will happen if our family leaves for a family vacation but those dates do not work for the Chinese student's school? Will there be someone who can care for the child until our family returns?
When host families are going on vacation, you have the option of asking the student to join you. If the student (and their parents) choose to accept the invitation, students are responsible for their share of the cost. This includes plane ticket, hotel accommodations and other costs associated with the trip. If you choose not to include the student or the student chooses not to go, they could have the following options:
  • Stay with one of the student’s friends’ family. If this is the case, the host family and the student need to inform Westar Education L.L.C. of which family the student will be staying with and all the contact info needed should be sent to your contact at Westar Education L.L.C.
  • Stay with one of Westar Education L.L.C.’s teachers. This is usually a last resort, but again, we strive to maintain our level of support and satisfaction for our host families.

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