Westar Advantage

Service Concept

Love and dedication are the source and strength of our service. Working together as a team, our teachers/staffs are available 24/7. We train all students in their skills to live and study in the US prior to their arrival. We follow and help them every step of the way, throughout their entire academic adventure. Being a faithful and sensible steward is our service goal.

Guardianship & Guidance

Westar acts as a guardian for all our students studying in US high schools. As guardians, we promote academic achievements and character development. We collaborate with local communities to help cultivate teenagers into responsible, respectful, caring, open-minded, and disciplined members of society.

Rich Experiences

All Westar team members were once students in a foreign land and went through similar steps trying to assimilate into a new society. We are eager to share both our successes and failures learned during our lifetime to lead our students down the right path. We all are or have been parents of teenagers with different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Our experiences lead us to believe that each child is special, and there is always a path of love leading to the heart.

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